Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"You Don't Understand!"

The most deceitful part of us is our own heart (Jer. 17:9). Unless the heart is surrendered to the Lord completely, it will deceive us. God's word speaks: "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered." (Prov. 28:26) What we set our affections and desires on are what we treasure. Those desires and affections begin to lead our lives, making choices for us. Our lives head toward those desires/affections because that's what we want. It all comes from the heart. The heart goes after our treasures and we store that treasure which determines our life direction. Jesus said the same thing: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matt. 6:21) What you want in life is where your heart will be set. That means our hearts need to be set on proper things, desiring the things of God beyond all else.
Jesus describes the heart responses and choices in the parable of the sower (Luke 8). Each type of heart is described as to what is treasured and we can see the end result because of what is stored in the heart. First, there is an unresponsive heart that simply will not believe (8:12). Secondly, there is an impulsive heart that works off of their emotions (8:13). Thirdly, there is the preoccupied heart that knows the Lord is important, but other things choke out the things of God and nothing is the result (8:14). Finally we have the good and honest heart that receives and stores within the things of God and it brings great blessings and insight (8:15).
Over the years of dealing with so many in different situations, I have always found something very interesting. When the word of God is what leads our lives, you gain wisdom and insight to what is needed in situations. When someone is not being honest in their heart by allowing the Lord to speak to their heart and then respond, the statement always comes out, "You just don't understand!" I have given such people who make that statement the opportunity to explain themselves and it amazes me how in their heart they turn the situation on you with statements like, "Your mind is already made up, there is no need to explain it to you!" or "Even if I explained it, you wouldn't understand." These are statements of a deceived heart. I have yet to have one person trapped in their sins, held in the cord of their sins be able to explain anything because they cannot outwit the Lord. They use such statements to get out of the heat of the moment. I have sat with many, asking them and giving them the opportunity to explain their thinking (which comes from their heart) and all they do is talk in circles because they are trapped by God's word. They are careful at what they express or say, mulling over every word so as not to get caught. They expend a lot of mental energy and end up saying nothing.
If we would simply give our hearts to the Lord, store His sound wisdom and insight in our hearts, desiring His ways above all, being honest with ourselves toward the Lord, we would find great contentment and not waste our energy of explaining why we do what we do. Peace, wisdom and life become ours within our being. Next time you are in a situation and you hear, "You don't understand!" just listen what comes next. They never explain anything because they can't and they may refuse to explain by turning the situation back on you. It's the part of deception that is going on in the heart and we need to understand that.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have, over the years, come to cherish Matthew 6:21 (well, it and the rest fo the Word of God). I use it to always remind myself to put the Lord first in all, especially in my heart.

I will admit that the words "you don't understand" are so easy to say, as you mentioned. When I stop and think about my heart and where it should be, I remind myself of 1 John 3:20 (in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.) along with Matthew 6:21. God always knows our hearts even if we try to fool ouselves.

Thank you.

Brent said...

Thanks for all your encouraging comments.