It never ceases to amaze me how those who call God their Father and Jesus their Savior and Lord but practice such evil in their lives. I'm not talking about stumbling in sin, that occasion in a weak moment but just walk into sin with their eyes open! Sin is so prominent in their lives because its all they practice and the things they practice to them aren't sin, if that makes sense! It's called deceived!!!
Three times in I John 1:6-10 John says, "If we say". Talk is cheap! Words flow freely. I hear it all the time. People speak with me knowing that I preach/teach and in the conversation begin speaking of their relationship with the Lord. It's like they feel the need to talk about the Lord to communicate effectively with me. Maybe it's to soothe their guilt or put on a show that they too are lovers of God. But the talk and walk don't line up!
To speak that we have fellowship with the Lord, to love the Lord and walk in darkness in our daily living, that is a self-deceived lying person! Don't take my word for it, that's what John says God calls them. "If we say" is so easy to come by. When have you heard someone say "When we live"? Now there's the test of true fellowship. What we practice daily. The words that flow from our hearts to our lips. Our motives in our decisions. How we treat our mates. How we act on the job. What we participate in and join ourselves to. These are where we live! There is only one place and no other place that demonstrates our relationship to the Lord..."Walking in the Light!" Not talking but walking. Only then, being honest, humble and sincere do we find letting the Light expose us in our attitudes and actions, do we find fellowship with God. There is one place and no other place that guarantees our cleansing by the blood of Christ..."Walking in the Light!" Not talking but walking.
It seems many have too much talk and not enough walk. Just take a moment and examine yourself. Are you a 'walker' or a 'talker'? One that is honest and doesn't have to talk because their walk is exposed. The other, they have to talk thinking others don't know what they do however they too are exposed by the Light. They are self-deceived, lie and do not practice the truth.
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