Several times in the NT Scriptures we find the words: "Do not be deceived" or Do not deceived yourselves." Why would we have to be reminded of such? Self deception is one of the greatest possibilities for the saint! To believe you are on the right track and yet somehow deceive yourself by practicing things that are less than holy to the Lord but believe you are alright is a difficult position to be in and even more difficult to see. I'm not writing this to scare anyone. Just get our attention.
People make choices in their relationship to the Lord. I know brethren who choose the pleasures of the world over the things of the Lord but they have deceived themselves to the point they cannot see the choices they are making. They believe every thing is fine between them and the Lord. "Holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied the power." (II Tim. 3:5) People believe they can give out whatever they choose to give out to others and they are still in line with the Lord fearing no consequences to their attitudes or actions. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." (Gal. 6:7) Something is being reaped within them and they aren't even aware.
Husbands and wives refuse to live the way the Lord wants in their marriage but thinking all is well between them and the Lord. What a shock they will find when they face the Lord hearing how they refused His word and refused the relationship as He intended. Marriage the Lord's way is a source of blessing and happiness. There are many deceived husbands and wives.
Religion is one of the greatest deception. All the religion floating around, people speaking this, listening to that and reading this. The conclusion is all are okay as long as they love the Lord! Truth is not sought. Honesty with Scriptures is not held to but just a big pot where every thing is stirred together as one big happy family.
Deception is all around us. The only way one can keep from deception is through an humble heart and listening to the voice of the Lord by following what He asks. When we hear His voice through His word, we must ask ourselves and see ourselves in light of what the Lord speaks. It takes an honest heart to do that. A deceived heart will brush it aside and continue to move in the direction they decide as best for them. We don't have to be deceived. That's our choice but we have to be honest in heart to stay away from deceiving ourselves.
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