The Lord calls us to set our minds on the Spirit (Rom. 8:6). The Lord calls us to seek things above continually (Col. 3:1). The Lord calls us to set our minds on the things above and not on the earth (Col. 3:2). Set, to fix it! To continually draw our minds upward where Christ is seated. It is a matter of spiritual life and death. It's that serious. And we wonder why the things we face on this earth take us down so easily.
Heaven is bent on getting us to eternity. God planned on our forgiveness through Jesus but that's only part of it. There has to be a way to be forgiven so we can stand in the presence of a holy God. Jesus provides us with that. All our sins, ALL OUR SINS were taken away and that's the covenant of God. Where does that leave us? We need the power to take us to the end and that power comes from God. The power to forgive and the power to overcome painful situations, God has done it all!
The Lord calls us to live by faith. Set your minds! Fix it and let your minds not just dwell but be fixed seeking when we encounter situations. When someone upsets us, what do we normally do? We dwell on how we were hurt. The more you dwell on it, the more angry you become. As the mind dwells on the situation we start slowly falling apart spiritually. We are easily agitated. When the opportunity presents itself we say something or do something to show how upset we are. The situation becomes worse and sometimes it can become 'unmendable'. Where did it start? Someone not setting their mind on the Spirit and seeking Jesus where He sits. Our lives take a downward spiral. We become weaker especially dealing with that person or situation. Misery sets in. The spiritual is lost. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace...we have to look no further than those three to realize none of those are in our lives when we encounter a difficult situation and set our minds on the situation. The Lord would lead us into love, joy and peace and the rest of His life listed in Gal. 5:22-23. The Lord's power is there to help and we choose to set our minds somewhere else. Keeping the Lord our of your situation will leave you weak and helpless because He is not going to walk in the world of your mind set on the things on this earth. The Lord is calling us upward! He's is power. He's the provider and when we don't set our minds there is nothing He can do. Bottom line is we refuse His help by not setting our minds.
I've noticed over the years when something goes wrong for people, it seems to be all they think about and talk about. You can encourage and point them but generally the response is, "I know that", and it's left right there. That makes matters worse. To know and still not respond by faith is the worst place to put yourself.
It takes faith and discipline to set your mind but the result of your response, whether good or bad, will be your choice. God's trying to help. God has helped. God's power is in our reach. It all boils down to where we set our minds. Where you set your mind on a daily basis determines everything!!
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