God created and it was very good! That's what Gen. 1:31 tells us. There was a time in this world's history that every single element was in perfect alignment with God. What kind of place would that have been? Have you ever thought about it? There was no record of any decay or corruption. It was all exceedingly good. On top of that the blessing of God was bestowed to flourish in this great harmony together. The Creator, man and all living things were in unison living and talking together. All of this speaks of the relationship of God to His creation and it something beautiful. We sometimes don't allow it to impact us but God brought all that exists into existence. His great wisdom and might brought into existence things that had no matter, no material but He spoke and there they (we) were!! The Creator organized it and gave things their proper place.
And we think we can live on our own power? We act like it at times. We think as God's people, the church, it's all up to us to do this or that. We believe without us God can't get things done. We organize and work hard. Many of our efforts fail and fall short. We get frustrated as we try harder. Too many have become self-sufficient rather than 'God-sufficient'. Our thoughts are we must take care of things rather than allow God to take care of things. We put our hands on too much and trust too little. That's it...we simply don't trust our Creator or at least that's how we approach things. Maybe it's time we backed off and reflect while meditating about this Creator that we have been called into fellowship with through His Son.
God alone stood in bringing all things into existence. No one told Him how, when or why. All the elements are His created servants. It was the Creators mind that put every single detail into place and how they function. There were no other gods or forces to be conquered in order to do this. The earth stands on its base because of God. The waters of the earth keep their place because of God. The animals are fed and watered because of God. The sun rises and sets on its time because of God. The seas team with life (which man is discovering something new almost daily) because of God. There are no gods, just the Almighty Creator. There was no "mother nature", just God. Why can't we trust Him to put us in the right frame of mind instead of turning to the creation for answers that does not understand how we function?
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