Jesus is in the transforming business. We were not people who came to Christ, baptized into His name for the cleansing of our sins because we were pretty good with a few flaws. Sin dominated our lives. Sin made us a slave and it molded our out-look on life, the decisions we made and the directions we chose to walk. I realize not everything we did before our coming into Jesus was sinful but no doubt, sin was our master and we were its slave.
Once we entered Christ, we became this new creation (II Cor. 5:17). Our old ways, our old man was buried and put to death (Rom. 6:5-7). We must now begin our walk. It's a walk that changes who we were into who He is. To renew our minds is giving our mind and heart over completely to His will and teaching, making our decisions based on Him and His word. Transformation comes from a willing heart. Without that, there will be no transformation. (Rom. 12:1-2)
But we are called to also help our brothers and sisters. Many eagerly do this for which I am thankful but there is one area we need to address in our walk with the Master. When a brother or sister is in sin, walking in sin whether it is from a bad attitude to a practice that goes against the teaching of the Lord, we must NEVER whitewash their evil, even if they are our dear friend! Especially if they are our friend. You don't have to brutalize people to confront them with their sinful ways. You don't have to be rude. You have to be gentle and watch out you don't get entangled with them just because they are a dear friend (Gal. 6:1). It is NEVER right to side with one walking contrary to the Lord and we must not give the strugglers the impression we side with them. They must know we are for them and want them saved! We must make it abundantly clear that we are on God's side to aid them. They need to confess the evil and repent to God. If it is someone dear, never leave them in a sinful attitude without trying to confront them. That's cruel and heartless.
I can remember several years back how I found myself trapped in sin. My dearest friend who I love so much confronted me. He pointed out my waywardness but he did it with kindness and love. Yes, it hurt but the test was on me to see if I would be humble in heart or rebel. The battle line had been drawn and my friend was calling me back to the side of Jesus with him. I have been so grateful for that tearful evening and realizing a true friend confronts sin in their friend. That's love at it height!
We are called to help bear with one another. We are called to grow that the strong can help the weak. We are called to aid our brothers and sisters. But when a dearly loved brother or sister refuses, what is left? Ask Jesus as He tried to help His betrayer Judas on the night He washed the feet.
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