"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people." (Prov. 14:34) What hits your mind when you read God speaking such? Our nation is a nation in trouble. It is a nation divided and steeped in sin. We see the disgrace which people act. It seems things are like a simmering pot, boiling just waiting to overflow. I don't think I'm exaggerating. The political scene is red hot and people are falling in line. I read comments made on facebook and other places and see how angry and divided people are. The camps of strong opinions are being set up and they are backed up by hard feelings. People in the Lord's church are listening, siding and finding themselves caught in some of the rage. Some may not even know it.
Politics are just one front! We see it when sports teams win a championship. The rioting and destruction take place. Why are so many out of control and wanting an opportunity to express themselves in violent, destructive ways? Is this a disgrace?
We begin to hone in on the church of our Lord. Look at the splits, the division and at times destruction between one another that you wonder if the Lord can be found anywhere. What is happening to us? The cry comes the church is dying so we use the world's methods to draw people in and get their attention. It causes more division. I still read that God's power to save anyone is found in the gospel (Rom. 1:16). God's wisdom, power, righteousness, holiness and redemption is in Jesus Christ (I Cor. 1:30).
What are we to do? Lead people to Jesus! Teach that the way to the true life is found by giving up your own (Matt. 10:39). Point that our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20). Show people the outstretched arms of Jesus on a cross, His raising from the dead for hope now and the future. Speak the truth in love. Let's get out the real message of our Savior and stop allowing our nations disgrace to enter our thoughts, our words and actions. Spend time speaking where all the treasures of true wisdom and knowledge lay...Christ Himself (Col. 2:3). Let's be a people who believe that our Lord is coming back and tell others He is returning. There is only one remedy to our nation and in the church...JESUS AND HIM CRUCIFIED! Speak Him loud and clear.
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