A lot of things were planned before you were born. Just ask your parents or grandparents. Just listen to them speak about you and you will see the delight of planning and waiting for you.
It is most likely that before your arrival into this world your parents began to think about you. What color of hair would you have? Would you have any hair? Would you be healthy? What color of eyes would you have? Plans were made for where you would sleep and clothes were bought for your arrival and beyond. For some, prayers were offered on your behalf. Why all of this? Because you were loved and the plans were being made for your life before you arrived into this world.
Let's take this one step further. Are you aware that the Lord Christ Jesus also did the same for you? Can you imagine that? All you have to do is read the Scriptures and we find assurance this is true. During His last twenty-four hours of His life, Jesus thought of you. As Jesus went to the garden to pour out His heart to His Father, He prayed for His apostles and you. "I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word." (John 17:20) Right there in the midst of His most trying time Jesus prayed for the future believers as well as those during His day and time. Let's think about this. Jesus prayed for you!
How did you come to be a believer? Through the inspired words of the apostles. Before they passed from this life, inspired by the Holy Spirit, they penned the words of the Lord that would save you and me. They took Christ's word teaching it and writing it down for each of us today. We heard their message from the Lord, a message of faith and came to faith to being saved.
Yes, Jesus prayed for me before I was born and His prayer was heard. Today, for those who draw near to God through Jesus, He continues always making intercession for them (Heb. 7:25). What do you think of that?
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