Some of the brethren at Corinth went to an early grave! Not physically but spiritually. What killed them spiritually a couple of thousand years ago has not been eradicated. It is presently a raging epidemic and we need to be made aware because of the danger invovled. Those who have already died probably don't care while others are on the verge of death.
When things can affect our health, we become hightened to what is causing our problems. We take precaustions by eating the right foods, getting sufficient rest, take vacations, take our vitamins and exercise when we can. When we sense something is wrong with our health, we get to the doctor as quickly as possible. All of this is done for a body that will last some 70-80 years.
The soul is another story. We openly admit our souls are important. Do we not realize our soul has no expiration date stamped on it? Our soul was designed by God to live forever. That should give each of us more concern about the condition of our souls than our bodies!
One's soul does not have to die! What was going on in the congregation at Corinth had Paul greatly concerned. Paul knew exactly why "many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep." (I Cor. 11:30) Their spiritual well being was heading to an early grave and some were already there!
It all had to do with their attitudes toward the brethren and their fellowshiping the Lord in the His Supper! Paul reminded them Jesus asked to "do this in remembrance of Me." How do we remember Jesus? With bad attitudes? With sin-filled lives? Hate in the heart toward another brother or sister? Simply not caring? Why do you partake of His Supper? A failure to partake of His feast in any way that is less than Him in relationship to each one will lead to weakness, illness and the death of the soul!
It is for your soul's sake to take His Supper, fellowship with Him and His body and examining ourselves to make certain we do it with a remembrance of Him. Otherwise, we are going to an early grave!
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