I can't stress the importance of the truth and truth seeking. That applies to every aspect of our lives. Truth seekers are just that. Truth means everything thing to them from Scriptures to living our daily lives. Truth seeking keeps us on track and well rounded in our lives so we don't jump on a bandwagon of presumptuous sins. David found himself concerned with that very thing in Psa. 19:13 where he rested on the Lord to keep him from presumptuous sins, not allowing them to rule over him! Truth seeking will keep presumptions from ruling our lives.
We meet people often who have a conviction about what they believe in Scripture. When you show them that their conviction is not based completely on the whole of the truth, there is a battle that ensues within them. They struggle, deny, want to argue because their world of faith and conviction is being torn down. If their heart is a truth seeker, they will give over to the word of the Lord and submit. If not, the Lord will provide the delusion so they can continue down their same road and mind-set. That's a sobering thought (II Thes. 2:10-12).
It also leads us into other areas of our lives. Sometimes people do something and we quickly jump with a conclusion based on what it looks like or what little we have been told and develop a conclusion about the matter. Recently a dear brother living in another state called me telling me about a situation that had arisen. As he shared it with me he gave me his conclusion asking me what I thought. Not being around, it looked completely different to me and I shared that with him. I asked a couple of questions to get him to be careful in his thinking. The result, he found out that he was going down a wrong path in his conclusion and realized later it was completely different than he had originally thought. He presumed and was wrong but because of a heart for the truth, it kept him from presumptuous sin.
The Lord gives each one what they want. If we want truth, desire truth then we will be careful in our lives when something might look a certain way but we can't be sure. Learn to rest in the Lord, have a love for His ways and allow His truth to bring forth His righteousness. If we start jumping to a conclusion based on a little bit of information here or there (sometimes the information might be coming from a source that is held in the cords of sin) we could fall prey to being ruled by presumption. The Lord will give each and everyone what they want and if it's not truth we sincerely seek, that leaves only one other path to head down.
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