Where God exists there is holiness! When God claims something as His, it is holy and it will be entered or walked on under certain conditions. If it is a burning bush, the worshiper will take off his sandels to approach. If it is a mountain top, it will be off limits treated in great respect or serious consequences will be on those who transgress. If it is items used in the worship of the temple it is only used in the way God intends and for nothing common. If it is in money or gifts, it will be used solely and completely to promote the glory and purpose of God to whom they were given. If we are talking about us, the church, those baptized into Christ separating them from the world, they are given responsibilities and privileges that are completely devoted to Him and for His purpose. They are a different people, not common like everyone else. This people will no longer be the same and must be treated in view of God's holiness. The markings of holiness are seen by practices, convictions and their service to the Lord. Having been made holy, they are to no longer be as the rest of the people around them.
The God of the Bible is holy by virtue of simply being who He is, by just being Himself! Everything that comes from Him is a fountain of holiness and anyone that stands against Him or treats Him in any less way is counterfeit.
"But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior." (I Pet. 1:15) What does holy behavior look like? GOD! Since we have embraced as our Father this holy God who called us to Himself, should we be living our lives in reverent fear? To call God our Father and treat His church, His "holy ground" less than holy is a mockery of the holiness of God. "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are." (I Cor. 3:16-17)
If we wish to be with God in the end we need to live lives that pursue His holiness or we will not ever see God. We need to be more careful in our lives and take His holiness and His holy ground much more seriously, don't you think?
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