Monday, September 28, 2009

"Simple Things"

Some people see technical information in too many things. They analyze everything to death. They never learn to keep the purity and enjoyment of the simple things in life. Their lives revolve around their analytical thinking while robbing others of their the joy of purity.
We need to see the joy that God created things for and draw from the small things of joy to gain the fullness of life. I heard a fellow one time tell me he tried to explain to his children what a rainbow was really made of. To explain the physically properties of something so marvelous is to miss the great power and promise behind it. Too technical, too analytical...robbing others of God's purity and hope. "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." (Jam. 1:17)
When people explain things away, it robs the marvelous blessings God intended for us to share in and see. Here is the newly engaged lady, thrilled with her up-coming wedding. She shows the ring on her finger, with joy in her heart in the anticipation of a marriage that God blessed and created. Just explain to her about her diamond ring: "Your diamond is nothing but pure carbon crystallized in octahedron's under pressure ranging from 45 to 60 kilo bars and having a cubit atom formation." She is robbed of her commitment and love shown by her soon to be husband with a promise of good things to come. Some can see little good in the things created by God.
Let's learn to enjoy the things God has given to us. God speaks to us that we need to fix our hope on God, "who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy." (I Tim. 1:17) Let the little things shine a little insight to God and His simplicity. Have you ever watched a little baby discover their toes or fingers? Isn't that a wonderful sight to behold? And there sits God, who gave that baby to those parents to behold the little simple things of life. Slow down and take a look and it might surprise you how many simple things are passing us by.

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