Thursday, January 15, 2009


"For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that is in you you as well." (II Tim. 1:5) The faith of a mother and grandmother can reach into the depths of their children and grandchildren. Since becoming a grandfather, my perspective of grandparenthood (and parenthood) have changed drastically. God's word comes into greater focus and the understanding is better. Here is a mother/grandmother that took a little boy Timothy, and molded his faith to be deeply trusting in the Lord. Paul was well aware and it apparently came forth in Timothy's life. I only wish more of our mothers/grandmothers would do the same with their children. To have someone speak of a mother/grandmother and their sincere faith is such a noble and admirable statement. But greater yet, the impact of the faith of a mother/grandmother that affects the heart and soul of children/grandchildren.
A little boy, when asked what a grandmother was put it this way: "A grandmother is a lady who has no children of her own, so she loves everybody else's. Grandmas don't have anything to do except be there. If they take you for a walk, they slow down past leaves and caterpillars. The never say 'hurry up.' Usually they are fat, but not too fat to tie your shoes. They wear glasses, and something they can take their teeth out. They can answer questions like why dogs hate cats and why God isn't married. When they read to you, they don't skip words or mind if it's the same story again. Everyone should try to have a grandmother, especially if they don't have television, because grandmas are the only grownups who always have time for you." What a wonderful prospective of a child.
I read a story of a lady that overheard a woman showing a view of the beautiful fall colors to her elderly mother. The daughter said, "Isn't it wonderful of God to take something just before it dies and make it so beautiful?" As the two looked at the beauty of the leaves, the mother stated, "Wouldn't it be nice if God did that with people?" The daughter looked at her stooped, white-haired mother and said so softly, "Sometimes He does!" Wow, the impact of a mother on the life of her daughter. The impact of faith a mother/grandmother has in the life of her children/grandchildren.
If your mother placed within you a faith in God, a trust in His word and ways, give the Lord thanks. If your grandmother led you in the ways of righteousness and faith in the Lord Jesus, whisper words of thanks to God. Godly mothers/grandmothers are a treasure. I believe the daughter was right: sometimes God takes something before it dies and makes it so beautiful - a white-haired, stooped little mother or grandmother who deeply loves the Lord for example!


DonnaMarie said...

I couldn't agree more! A mother who lives a faithful example in front of her children is such a wonderful blessing! I'm grateful every day for my mom and the faith she showed in her life and her death! She was never more beautiful to me than when she closed her eyes in death with faith in the blood of Jesus and the assurance of her salvation! I can't even tell you what a HUGE impact that had on my life and my faith!

Brent said...

Thanks Donna! There are no words to express the lovliness of a godly mother/grandmother!