It seems many times I say the same things over and over in my preaching/teaching. I find myself questioning myself at times wondering why I say the same things so often. How many times do you keep repeating things? It's a simple, clear answer: as often as needed!
Over the years I cannot tell you how many lessons I have taught on forgiveness, love, mercy, fleshly deeds and yet there are those who sit and listen only to do the opposite. We know about unity yet there are those who are bent on destroying that. We know we will lose our souls for not loving the brethren but there are those who refuse to love while all the time they hear time and time again messages from God's word that it is wrong to not love. In fact, loving your brother is one of the tests to determine if you're a child of God or a child of the devil (I John 3:10).
We must keep speaking over and over the same things until people get it into the heart to bring about change in their thinking and behavior. It takes no more than looking at Peter, an apostle of Jesus who seemed to always speak and react before listening. After Jesus had ascended back to the Father, Peter was shown that accepting of the Gentiles into the fold of God was part of the plan. Peter was given a vision of a large sheet containing all kinds of animals. He was told to "kill and eat"! (Acts 10:10-12) As Peter announced to the Lord that he would never eat anything unclean or unholy, the Lord responded by telling him what God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy. The Lord was speaking of the Gentiles that Peter was about to be introduced to by the name of Cornelius. Peter accepted him.
It wasn't just a few short years, Peter, a pillar and man of high reputation in the church, found himself in spiritual trouble at Antioch. Peter began to draw away from the Gentile (Gal. 2:12). In fact, by Peter's actions he took in Barnabas to do the same. (There is a lesson on the danger how people can lead others into sin by not following the Lord with a whole heart just because you are fond of them!) Paul had to rebuke Peter in front of them all (Gal. 2:14).
What has changed? Not much. Walking with Jesus is not simply academic. Walking with Jesus is a constant teaching until Christ is formed in us. Why not use the words penned by Peter who wrote the inspired Scripture: "Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you." (II Pet. 1:12) Keep on preaching and teaching the word, even if you repeat yourself because souls need to hear it again and again!!! I know I need to hear it often.