Can you recall one of those times where you see or hear something and it makes you have a deep sense of holiness? I'm not talking 'touchy/feely' stuff. I am talking about where you observed someone and it caught your attention that you are standing on 'holy ground'. It doesn't happen often but something about a person or a situation makes you pause and without anyone knowing it, you want to sort of 'take your shoes off because you're standing on holy ground.' Sometimes it might be that moment you hold the most innocent and sinless part of God in a baby or you see devotion from one human to another or maybe you see someone die with deep faith and conviction. As you return to you ordinary life, it just affects that you just can't 'unhear' or 'unsee.'
While in Nigeria, while being stopped at a road check by some military personnel, the tax collectors came up and were threatening us. As some 15 men surrounded our vehicle and tensions were running high and little Nigerian girl, probably 4-5 yrs. old came up to my window, reaching out and taking my hand. She wanted to hold it. For a brief moment, I lost complete touch with what was going on around us and all I sensed was holiness, not the ordinary. In the midst of the struggle it struck me that maybe this was the 'burning bush.'
I know to write things like this makes some people just think, "Well, that's interesting" while they dismiss it. I am not one to toy with peoples emotions with some moving story but I do want us to realize that many times God is trying to help, get our attention and we are too busy to recognize it. Sometimes you may have had a father or mother that lived a quiet humble life in the presence of God and they pass from this earth, it hits you that all this time in their presence, you were standing on 'holy ground.' No one else was there or saw but it struck you because of their deep sense of devotion to the Lord and they lived it before your eyes. There can be other events that catch our attention and affect us but sometimes it isn't until later we realize it.
Some of you who read this know exactly what I mean because you too have seen a 'burning bush' and it makes you want to take off your shoes!